Teachers play a powerful role in the lives of children. We can give the gift of connection through what’s going wrong or what’s going right. The world can be energetically confusing to children, where is your energy going?

I provide ongoing support to teachers and schools dealing with intense behaviours and diverse genders and providing resources and support when there is a crisis in the community.

Where is the strongest connection with the kids in your classroom is it when they are following the rules or when they are breaking them? Teaching values in the midst of chaos is generally when we give the gift of us. It is going to be tempting to be disrespectful or defiant if kids get the greatest connection when things are going wrong. There is a lot of energy, time and connection that is given during those pep talks or lectures.

How we treat kids when they inevitably mess up will either allow them to be compassionate towards themselves or feel shame. Let’s set them up for a life of compassion for themselves and others!

The more intense the child is the greater their need for connection. Our choice is when we give it and what we focus on - we are never not choosing.

Kids will seek connection in any way they know they can get it. We’re never too busy for a problem….

Click the Nurtured Heart image to watch some videos of this in action:

Let difficulty transform you. And it will.

In my experience, we just need help in learning to not run away.

Pema Chodren